As culture and society have changed over time, so have death and funerals. Families often used to live close together — sometimes even on the same property — and family members cared for their loved one in preparation for burial. Today, however, families tend to be more far-flung, and that can be problematic when a death occurs.
It's important for people to feel included after the death of a loved one, even if they can't get there immediately. You might consider embalming, which allows for the funeral to be postponed, or cremation, which allows you to put it off even further.
There's also the option to have memorial service instead of a funeral. This happens after the person has been laid to rest, making it easier to schedule when it's convenient for everyone to be there. Another benefit of a memorial service is that it gives you time to make decisions about how the service should go so that you can decide on the details without time constraints.
Technology can also help far-away family feel included in end-of-life services. A webcast of the funeral allows people to experience it in real time, whether they're 100 miles away or on another continent. An online guestbook helps people feel involved, giving even casual acquaintances the chance to offer their condolences. You can also have a videographer capture the service and arrange for a memorial tribute DVD that can be shown and shared later.
Chapel of the Chimes Oakland Funeral Home, Crematory and Columbarium helps people plan meaningful funeral and memorial services to fit their family's needs. We'll help you find ways to include people who might have trouble getting here quickly. We can also incorporate the latest technology. Call (510) 379-5200 for more information, or visit our Plan Ahead page to learn about planning and to request your free preplanning kit.